2019 Chemical Oceanography GRC Conference

June 18, 2019
Gordon 2018

Discovering Chemical Processes and Mechanisms in a Changing Ocean (July 14 - 19, 2019)


The study of ocean chemistry is central to the understanding of global biogeochemical cycling and human sustainability. Since this GRC conference began 50 years ago, great progress has been achieved in the fundamental understanding of the chemistry of the oceans. Yet there is a great deal to be learned about how the chemical species and their inventories in the oceans interact with physical, geological, biological, biochemical, and chemical processes. Moreover, there are now a myriad of anthropogenic influences that are also likely changing marine geochemical and biogeochemical cycles.

This conference will highlight the leading edge of research in chemical oceanography with a focus on elucidating key processes and discovering mechanisms relevant to understanding large scale biogeochemical cycles in the oceans. Topics will explore key chemical reactions that influence biogeochemical processes, examine reaction rates and what controls them, applications of biochemical approaches, large scale observations, modeling and synthesis, deep-time changes in ocean chemistry, fluxes across interfaces, and developments in instrumentation. This conference aims to connect researchers united by a common interest in improving our understanding of the changing chemistry of the oceans, and to catalyze future research in understanding the biogeochemical cycles of marine environments.

The 2019 GRC will be preceded by a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) in Chemical Oceanography that is open to graduate students and postdocs in Chemical Oceanography and related fields. The GRS provides a forum for early career researchers to present research results, promote networking, and to conduct career building discussions within a peer-to-peer setting. The GRS is chaired by two graduate students and will include an invited keynote speaker.

